Meet Carmen Gayton

Meet Carmen Gayton, our newest Face of Why Not You! Over thirty years ago, Carmen made her way to Seattle from the East Coast and is now a Managing Broker for Windermere Real Estate Co. Last Christmas, she decided to show her clients her appreciation by giving gifts that give back— by donating to the Why Not You Foundation in each of her client's names.

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When asked what inspired her to make donations in place of traditional gifts, Carmen replied, "I am inspired by Russell and how amazing he is. He exemplifies leadership, kindness, character, thoughtfulness, and love that the world needs... he is an example of someone you would like for your children to emulate. Although I am old enough to be his mother, he makes me want to be a better person". Carmen also expressed how she respects the Why Not You Foundation for supporting individuals needing a hand-up, not a handout.

Carmen's goal in donating to the Why Not You Foundation was to assist those facing food insecurity. "There is no reason that people in this country are starving or homeless. It breaks my heart!" To her, 'Why Not You' means: Hope. Feeling supported and that someone truly cares and wants to help is the hope that 'Why Not You' radiates. 

On behalf of the Why Not You Foundation, we thank you, Carmen, for choosing the non-traditional route by giving gifts that keep giving. We appreciate your support in empowering change in the world, one individual and one child at a time.

Fun fact: Carmen's parents gifted her a bright orange Corvette as a high school graduation gift, matching her future school color— Clemson University. Carmen also broke the color barrier in the Miss South Carolina Pageant as the first-ever African American contestant.

Pili Langman